We encourage students who are pursuing post-secondary education to apply for scholarships to help reduce the costs of their post-secondary education. There are countless scholarships available to our students and we want help students find these scholarships and support them in applying for them. One way to find scholarships is to sign up to www.scholarshipscanada.com and receive free information and alerts about nation-wide scholarships that students qualify for. To keep organized and never miss a deadline, download our Scholarship Tracking Sheet. Also students may qualify for other sources of funding, such as Saddle Lake Post-Secondary, the Whitefish Lake First Nations Post-Secondary and/or the Freehorse Family Wellness Society. Also don't forget to make an appointment with Mrs. Vallee, our Career Counsellor, to discuss all of the funding options available to you.
Registration for 24/25 School Year
View our Registration Package and Fees